Our Team

Repvblik brings together an integrated team of talented development, finance, construction, and operations professionals across the U.S.


PK Companies

PK Companies is a strategic investor in Repvblik and also shares a common principal in Chris Potterpin. The company is a developer, owner, and manager of more than 4,500 units of affordable and market-rate housing throughout the Midwest, Texas and California. PK is committed to creating partnerships that provide housing solutions to better fulfill the needs of their communities, and it strives to add value to the areas that it serves to enrich the lives of their residents. PK delivers answers to housing needs that address the wants of their residents and strengthen the wider community. Through their comprehensive strategy, PK purchases, develops and manages properties that offer opportunities for creative housing solutions. Their experienced and knowledgeable team works to meet the needs of each neighborhood in a coordinated effort with community leaders to better serve residents.